SSMS Tips and Tricks

Productivity Driven Development

Change the Default Text in the New Query Window

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Do you always like to insert some default text in a new query (like author comments, or transactions). You can change the file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\SqlWorkbenchProjectItems\Sql\SQLFile.sql to do this.

For example, if I put the following text in there:

Author: <Author, SYSNAME, Author_Name`>
Last Edited: <LastEdited, SYSNAME, LastEdited>

Then I get the below on opening a new query window:

If I press Ctrl + Shift + M, I can insert values for the parameters:

You can also change the default text for triggers, stored procedures and so on if you look at files inside different sub-folders in that folder.

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